A character from the beloved comic strip “The Boys Club,” Landwolf joins his fellow characters Pepe Brett and Andy in making a leap from digital art to blockchain reality.
one of cryptos most significant cultural icons and the mascot of ETH chain
In the ever-expanding universe of digital currencies, a new star is born: Landwolf (Ticker: WOLF), now live and ready to befriend the crypto community.
Who's WOLF?!
$WOLF coin is truly for the People. Landwolf is backed by a strong vibrant community, who quickly developed into this amazing, unstoppable force.
Gratefully there are No Taxes, LP is burned & contract renounced, and there’s a massive community fund donated by its holders. Whether you’re a fan of the classic comic series or just looking for a good howl, we’ve got something you can sink your teeth into. Join the $WOLF Pack!